expansive evolution Substack
expansive evolution with emi
Creating Protective Walls in Undefined centres
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -16:06

Creating Protective Walls in Undefined centres

Blocking yourself off from experiencing what life has to offer

Are you overprotecting your undefined centres and blocking off the magical experiences that you could be and are designed to be experiencing in this lifetime?

There is a time and place for everything and it's important that you follow your Strategy and Authority to assess how to work with your openness in your design.

I have an image of a castle that seems a little bit challenging to get to as a metaphor of an undefined centre that has many walls built around it to protect it.

Of course as always, I have additional thoughts after I finish recording a podcast episode, apologies for that.

I wanted to add that this does not mean that I advise that you follow every suggestion that you receive regarding your undefined G-Centre or any of your non-defined centres, but that you consider them and always tune in to your Authority ultimately to support you to make the best decision for yourself. And that the challenge lies when you aren't open to even considering the possibilities or the options that lay before you, and blocking yourself off from experiencing what life has to offer to you.

In my naivete as a young girl who desired love and belonging, I was not tuning into my own senses to draw the boundaries and draw the lines around what I was willing to let into my undefined centres and what I was not willing to. This awareness of human design gifts me with the opportunity to work with my openness and my design to allow in the magic of life as I am meant to experience, and to also draw boundaries where I feel necessary.

In my journey of recovering from trauma, I closed myself off, created lots of walls to never be hurt again. But I’m blocking myself off from experiencing life the way I am meant to.

Life isn’t only about living your definition, it’s moreso about experiencing it through your undefined areas.

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expansive evolution Substack
expansive evolution with emi
A Human Design reader, emi, reflecting on her personal, vulnerable and very real experiences of deconditioning using Human Design and Gene Keys. You may review your own chart and see similarities or contrasts to support you on your own journey.